Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My Summer Challenge

Whenever I am around people who draw all the time the first thought that comes to mind is "I WANT TO DO THAT!"  I feel like I can draw but I need to be better, I know there are defiantly a lot of things I have to work on and I know there even more that I need to learn.  So while looking at some other people character drawings I asked them how do you get that good?  The answer was lock yourself in a room with enough food to survive for a few days and do nothing but draw.  Now I'm not going to go that extreme but I may do something similar.  I designed a summer challenge to get better at drawing, my first challenge is called twenty days of hands.  I found some drawing tutorials on stumbleupon and deviant art and have a tutorial a day in my sketch book for twenty pages.  I'll do the same thing with feet, draw nothing but feet for twenty days.  It doesn't have to be long I could just take an hour a day to learn.  When I'm done with that I'll think of some more challenges but I plan on spending an hour a day this summer drawing something!