Thursday, February 24, 2011


I finished!  When I finally had time for it, the truth is it really isn't that good.  With school and work closing in on all sides I could not find the time I wanted to finish this.  I wish there was more animation but those are the two best ball bounces I have....scratch that those are the only two ball bounces I have.  I hope this is enough to get into P.U.P, it's all I want is to be excepted.  I know it's unlikely and yes I know there is always next year but it would be nice.


  1. Baby congratulations! That was awesome I knew you could do it.

  2. Hey whast up Sarah. Nice work, make sure you keep working hard its a tough road to become an animator but if you stay on the grind you'll make it happen.

    If I could offer a bit of advice on your work and you could take it for what its worth or just ignore it. On the first ball bounce make sure in the graph editor, assuming you're using Maya, have nice arcs on the top and are pointy on the contacts. Make sure the arcs are not too narrow, but a bit wider than what you have now.

    For the second ball bounce, unless you're going more towards floaty, take some keys out between the bounces.

    Hope this helps. The best of luck!!!

  3. Thank you so much Tony, and I will fix the corrections you gave me, I greatly appreciate your advice :D

  4. Love your artwork and photoshop work, Really nice. Your a good painter :)
